Maria Tapias has been selected to participate in a prestigious year-long Senior Leadership Academy.
Latin American Studies News
Political activities on campus are more about social justice causes than political parties.
51²è¹İappian honored as a White House Champion of Change.
Alfredo Colina '18 receives a student presentation award at a national conference.
Ayala aims to earn a Master of Public Administration and influence education policy.
Witness for Peace’s fall speaker, Carol Rojas, will address popular education and intersectional organizing in a dynamic of escalating violence in post-accords Colombia.
Ayala is a part of “the next generation of U.S. college global citizens who are changing the world,†according to the nonprofit study-abroad organization.
Introduction to Latin American Studies (LAS 111) is a discussion-based course that approaches “culture†broadly to include a wide spectrum of everyday experiences, leaving students ready for subsequent work in this field of study